ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM : Nervous exhaustion, mental debility, hair fall, premature grey hairs.


ALETRIS FARINOSA : Dysmenorrhea, premature & profuse menses.


AMMI VISNAGA : Externally in vitiligo, antispasmodic action on bronchial muscle and arteries.


BAPTISIA TINCTORIA : Utilized for typhoid and influenza.


BOLDO : Liver problems and constipation.


CANTHARIS : Externally in burns.


CASCARA SAGRADA : Constipation, colitis, digestive complaints, liver problems, etc.


CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA : A prominent liver remedy used in jaundice and hepatic derangements.


DAPHNE INDICA: Tobacco de-addition.


ESCHCHOLTZIA CALIFORNICA: Toothache and acts as a tranquilizer.


ECHINACEA PURPUREA: Reported to have non-specific stimulant effects on the immune system, used in cases of recurrent infections, chronic ulcers.


FRAXINUS AMERICANA : Uterine fibroids.


GALIUM APARINE: Acts on urinary organs, is a diuretic and used in dropsies and calculi.


GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPH : Useful in rheumatism, sciatica and also in morning diarrhoea.


HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS : Reports suggest its use in cancerous ulcers.


HELONIAS DIOICA : Ovarian cyst, endometriosis


IRIS VERSICOLOR: Useful in pancreatitis & Increases the flow of bile.


MUIRA PUAMA: Male impotency


MYRICA CERIFERA: Useful in jaundice and persistent sleeplessness.


NUPHAR LUTEA: Loss of libido, pain in testicles and penis.


OKOUBAKA: Gastroenteritis, flatulence dyspepsia, etc


OLEUM SANTALI: Recurrent urinary & genital infections.


QUERCUS ROBUR: De-addiction of alcohol.


SABAL SERRULATA: BPH (Benign Prostate Hypertrophy).


SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA: Cystitis with bloody urine, uterine haemorrhage, tenesmus.


UVA URSI : Stone in bladder, used as a diuretic.


YERBA SANTA: Asthma Also used in dyspnoea, nausea, vomiting, etc.


YOHIMBINUM: Erectile dysfunction.


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